If you’re in one of the 15 million American households getting 你的 water from a private well, 你家用来喝的水, 烹饪, 清洁和洗澡是 你的 责任.

Without EPA oversight and regulations like public water supplies have, and with 你的 well water quality dependent on the groundwater around you, 确保清洁的水供应可能是一项挑战. 尤其是当你考虑到:

  • 23%的私人水井至少含有一种污染物根据… 最近的你.S. 美国地质调查局(USGS)数据.
  • Over 7 million Americans get sick from water-borne illnesses every year根据疾病控制中心(CDC)的数据,.
  • 供水系统中的许多污染物 无味无味.

那么,加拿大28走势图为什么要检测水质呢? 以井水水质为例, 可能有很多东西是你看不到的, 气味, 或者味道影响你的家和家人.  Your water will be affected by its environment 哪一个 is constantly changing, 所以即使你的水去年没有某种污染物, 它可能在任何时候被引入.


有很多 关于拥有一口井你需要知道的事情,包括改善供水质量的方法. 以下是你需要了解的最常见的污染物.

1. 铁和锰

Most groundwater will have trace amounts of these naturally occurring contaminants, 但如果有大量的石灰岩, 页岩和附近的煤炭, you may have elevated levels impacting the groundwater feeding 你的 well. If 你的 water has a metallic taste and/or reddish/brown discoloration — 哪一个 can also stain pipes and clothing — iron or manganese may be the culprit.

2. 硫化氢

你家的水闻起来像臭鸡蛋吗? It could be hydrogen sulfide gas trapped inside 你的 water coming from high sulfur content in the ground. If you live in a marshy area or on a farm near a manure pit, sulfides could be 你的 issue. 除了难闻的气味, sulfides can corrode 你的 plumbing and leave black stains anywhere you use a lot of water.

3. 铜

铜, 如铁, 自然发生, 但是如果你的水有蓝色或绿色的变色, 你的铜管可能腐蚀了, 哪一个 might mean a bigger issue in 你的 plumbing infrastructure or unusually acidic water flowing through those pipes. 如果你的水的pH值明显低于7, its acidic properties will strip the metal from 你的 plumbing and faucets. Other sources of copper contamination in 你的 groundwater could be mining or manufacturing activities close to you.

4. 钙

对硬水有问题? High mineral counts from 你的 bedrock are the likely cause, with calcium being the most common. 镁是另一种. 当水穿过地面时, it dissolves any limestone or other rocks it comes in contact with carries these minerals with it into 你的 home.  虽然这些污染物很少影响健康, 它们仍然会在水中产生一种奇怪的味道, 皂渣堆积, minor skin irritation and extra wear and tear on 你的 water using appliances.

5. 氯化钠

更广为人知的是盐, extra sodium chloride can easily infiltrate 你的 groundwater if you live along a highway or near a parking lot treated with road salt during winter months in colder areas of the country. 径流可能会导致水中出现白色残留物, alter the taste a bit and of course negatively impact you if you’re on a sodium-restricted diet. You also may see salt water intrusion if you own a home off the coast. Shifts in the weather can see the water from the ocean mix with groundwater more or less than usual.

6. 其他化学物质 & 矿物质

The above items really only scratch the surface of chemicals and minerals that could invade 你的 water supply. 卵圆孔未闭的化学物质, arsenic and silica are other possible water contaminants to watch out for depending on 你的 geographic area. 氡气是另一种, 哪一个, 例如, 是无色的, 无味的, 无气味和放射性, 这就放大了测试的必要性.

7. 污垢

问题可能并不总是在微观层面上. 如果污垢和沉淀物进入你的井泵, large particles and murky water could make it into 你的 tap (along with any number of the above chemicals too). This could mean larger structural integrity concerns with 你的 well, pump, tank or pipes.

8. 空气

If 你的 faucets are sputtering before water flows normally, you have excess air in 你的 system. 虽然这不会对你的健康产生负面影响, it’s still a contaminant in the sense that it’s something coming through that you don’t want to be there. 更重要的是, 这可能表明地下水位发生了变化, 落水管损坏或泵出问题, 所以这是一个你应该注意的问题.

9. 悬浮有机 & 无机粒子

植物, 落叶, insects getting inside 你的 well cap and other environmental factors like erosion, flooding and fires can contribute to organic or inorganic particulate matter entering 你的 water supply. Yellow or white/cloudy discoloration could be an indicator of such contamination, 虽然可能不那么明显.

10. 硝酸盐

除了有机和无机颗粒, there are chemical units that can combine with those compounds — like nitrates, 或者是氮氧化合物. 它们是植物的营养物质, 过量的硝酸盐会渗入地下水, 特别是在大雨或洪水之后. Fertilizers can also contain nitrates that could make it into 你的 well water, 尤其是考虑到它们不能很好地与土壤结合. 各种各样的健康问题都是可能的, 尤其是6个月以下的婴儿, 但是由于硝酸盐是微观的, 在没有测试的情况下很难判断它们是否存在.

11. 大肠杆菌的细菌

像贾第鞭毛虫或E. coli — can enter 你的 water supply through animal waste like from a manure pit or sewage from a septic tank. Bacteria can also come from the bodies of decomposing animals that may have found a way into 你的 well cap but were unable to find their way out. 你看不见也闻不到这些细菌, 这使得测试变得更加重要, 特别是如果你最近有污水溢出或洪水. Storm or agricultural runoff could be all it takes for bacteria to make their way into 你的 well water. While consuming water with bacteria in it isn’t harmful to 你的 health, 你可能会注意到它会让你胃部不适或腹泻.

如何测试水质 & 在DIY或专业之间选择

The National Groundwater Association (NGWA) provides online resources for homeowners with private wells at WellOwner.org. There you can learn more about well maintenance, water quality, and water treatment options.

知道这一点很重要 井是如何工作的 自己做好基本的保养, 最重要的办法是确保水的安全面对无味, odorless and colorless contaminants is through annual testing by a licensed professional. 你的水样本应该送到认证的实验室, 哪个可以给你关于你的水的详细结果.

最终, well water will never be perfect (neither will city water for that matter, 所以测试对任何人来说都是明智的), 但是你可以采取措施改善家里的水质. 水权®和加拿大28走势图的品牌家族可以提供帮助. 不管你想不想 用紫外线给水消毒,让更好的饮用水通过 反渗透例如,用a来降低铁含量 过滤系统,或消除 硬水会引起的问题 using a water softener, our family of professionals will find a solution.

加拿大28走势图的护发素模型利用了加拿大28走势图独特的 Crystal-Right媒体 井水是家庭的好选择,因为它可以解决问题吗 硬度,铁和锰,并纠正低pH值 常见于地下水问题.


Your health and the health of 你的 family are too important to let preventable water contamination get in the way. Please complete the form below to be paired with one of the local partners we have in 你的 order to schedule a well water test today and find what contaminants may be in 你的 well water.





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